We exist to help people find and follow JESUS!
Grace Bible Church is a non-denominational church that is all about helping people find and follow Jesus. We believe it is possible for church to be the highlight of the week for the entire family. We know this happens when we focus everything on Jesus, connect in community, and learn straight from the Bible.
Our Core Values

The message of the Gospel is the foundation for everything else we do here at Grace Bible. Jesus came to save fallen humanity and offers eternal life to all who believe in Him. As we fall deeper in love with Jesus, we will live our lives for God, not ourselves, and communicate the Gospel in every aspect of our lives.

We are committed to creating a culture where prayer is the first and last thing we do.

The Christian life isn’t meant to be lived alone. We grow closer to God and each other by engaging in small groups where we can study God’s Word, encourage each other in our spiritual walks, and be a light in our communities.

The Bible is the final authority for our lives. We strive to communicate and live out what God’s Word says, even if it is unpopular or uncomfortable.

Each of us plays a vital role in the body of Christ and is needed for the church to be effective. We are committed to serving together, using our God given talents and abilities to fulfill the mission God has for us.

God is in the process of rescuing sinners from the curse of sin and transforming believers to be more like Jesus. Our desire is to communicate the good news of Jesus, reach the lost, and to develop committed followers of Jesus.
Get Connected
Grace Bible Church is all about helping people find and follow Jesus. We believe it is possible for church to be the highlight of the week for the entire family. We know this happens when we focus everything on Jesus, connect in community, and learn straight from the Bible.
Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.