Sunday 9 AM Bible Classes

We offer classes for children from infants up to 4th grade from 9:00-9:45 AM. Each class is designed to teach God's Word fun and age-appropriate ways. Know that while you take time to engage with God's Word, your child is learning and having a great time doing it. 

Thrive is a class designed for students in 5th-8th grades. Each Sunday, we will work through the same Gospel Project material as the adults, but will be communicate it in ways that a middle-schooler will grasp and understand. This class meets in Pastor Dan's office  from 9:00-9:45 AM. 

The Gospel Project is a great class if you want an overview of the Bible. We will be working through the life of Jesus this fall, which will cover many of Jesus' teachings and miracles. It is a great class to jump into any Sunday that you are here. This class meets from 9:00-9:45 AM in the teen room.